1hr 5m 42sec
Sep 5, 2024

The Suicidal with Jacob Coyne (2022)

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In “Champions for the Suicidal with Jacob Coyne” Nick Vujicic interviews Jacob who created StayHere.live as a training resource to help people know how to interview when someone is suicidal. With suicide rates at an all-time high, it is more important than ever to sound the alarm and break the silence. Jacob Coyne has made it part of his mission to break the stigma surrounding mental health and end the suicide epidemic of this generation with a movement called Stay Here. National Su!c!de Prevention Lifeline Call: 1-800-273-8255 or 988 Crisis Text Line Text “HOME” to 741741 Learn more: – Champions for the Su!c!dal: https://nickvministries.org/champions/the-suicidal/ – Jacob Coyne’s Ministry: https://www.stayhere.live/

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