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The Bullied with Nick

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EP 40 | 10/03/2024

The Bullied with Nick

In every school and in almost every season of life, bullying continues to be a serious problem. In โ€œChampions for the Bullied with Nick Vujicic,โ€โ€ฆ

EP 39 | 26/09/2024

Pembenci: Kebaikan Selalu Menang - bersama Nick Vujicic

Cinta adalah satu-satunya kekuatan yang dapat membawa perubahan positif. Dalam "Pembenci: Kebaikan Selalu Menang - bersama Nick Vujicic", proses untuk mengatasi kebencian adalah...

EP 38 | 09/19/2024

The Suicidal Gospel Message

In this timely and sensitive message, โ€œChampions for the Suicidal: A Message from Nick Vujicic,โ€ he urges those who are thinking about ending their lifeโ€ฆ

EP 37 | 09/12/2024

The Suicidal with Jacob Coyne (2023)

Apa saja tanda-tanda, pemicu, dan tantangan kontemporer yang dihadapi oleh individu yang berurusan dengan pikiran untuk bunuh diri? Bergabunglah bersama Nick dan tamu spesialnya, Jacob Coyne, sebagai...

EP 36 | 09/05/2024

The Suicidal with Jacob Coyne (2022)

In โ€œChampions for the Suicidal with Jacob Coyneโ€ Nick Vujicic interviews Jacob who created StayHere.live as a training resource to help people know how toโ€ฆ

EP 35 | 08/29/2024

In & Out: It Pays to be Patient โ€“ with Nick Vujicic

In & Out: It Pays to be Patient โ€“ with Nick Vujicicโ€ explores prayer and patience. Have you ever felt like your dream was takingโ€ฆ

EP 34 | 08/22/2024

A Message from Gateway Church

REAL Hope โ€“ with Nick Vujicic speaking to youth at Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas. When storms hit our lives, how will we withstand them?โ€ฆ

EP 33 | 08/15/2024

Hope for the Addicted

Of all the struggles we may face, addiction is one that is often kept hidden due to our own shame and guilt. In โ€œChampions forโ€ฆ


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