35m 13sec
Aug 15, 2024

Hope for the Addicted




A carregar a transcrição...
Of all the struggles we may face, addiction is one that is often kept hidden due to our own shame and guilt. In “Champions for the Addicted: A Message from Nick Vujicic,” he offers clear and convicting hope to anyone facing addiction, by pointing to the transformative power found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No matter what substance or experience you’re currently struggling with, there is real hope for freedom found in Christ. Join Nick for this redeeming message, and find the courage you need to take the next steps out of addiction. Learn more: – Champions for the Addicted: https://nickvministries.org/champions/the-addicted/ – Adult and Teen Challenge: https://www.teenchallenge.org/ – Prayer Hotline: 1+ (888) 520-0620

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