የተማሪዎች አገልግሎት

ለቀጣዩ ትውልድ አንድ የትምህርት ቤት ስብሰባ እና የማኅበራዊ አውታር ድረ ገጽ በአንድ ጊዜ ተስፋ ማምጣት።

ተጨማሪ ይጫኑ
አስተያየቶች ሳጥን SVG ምስሎችለመሳሰሉት ምስሎች ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል, ያጋሩ, አስተያየት, እና ምላሽ ምስሎች
Struggling with bullying? You’re not alone. Join us on october 13th for the premiere of ‘jesus cares for the bullied’ as nick vujicic shares an inspiring message of compassion and hope. Watch it on youtube: https://youtu. Be/j2ynt_dr7b8

Struggling with bullying? You’re not alone. Join us on October 13th for the premiere of ‘Jesus Cares for the Bullied’ as Nick Vujicic shares an inspiring message of compassion and hope. Watch it on YouTube: youtu.be/j2Ynt_dR7b8 ... See MoreSee Less

5 ሰዓቶች በፊት

God is always in control, even when we don’t understand the circumstances we’re facing. His plans for us are rooted in love and are meant to bring us hope and a future. ... See MoreSee Less

17 ሰዓቶች በፊት
Be part of an unforgettable evening at the annual champions gala with nick vujicic & nickv ministries. Join us for a night of worship, dinner, and a powerful mission to bring hope to the brokenhearted. Visit https://nickvministries. Org/gala/ today and follow us for more updates!

Be part of an unforgettable evening at the Annual Champions Gala with Nick Vujicic & NickV Ministries. Join us for a night of worship, dinner, and a powerful mission to bring hope to the brokenhearted. Visit nickvministries.org/gala/ today and follow us for more updates! ... See MoreSee Less

1 ቀን በፊት

Whatever you’re struggling with right now, trust that God is not wasting your pain. He has a plan and a purpose, and even in the hardest moments. Your life can be the miracle someone else needs, as God uses you to impact others in ways you may not even realize. ... See MoreSee Less

2 ቀናት በፊት
Nickv ministries and hope for the heart are on a mission to empower believers to share the gospel and meet the needs of the hurting. Join the movement by equipping yourself to provide godly counsel and practical support to those in need through our champions caregiver training. Learn more and sign up for specialized courses today: https://championcaregiver. Org

NickV Ministries and Hope for the Heart are on a mission to empower believers to share the Gospel and meet the needs of the hurting.

Join the movement by equipping yourself to provide godly counsel and practical support to those in need through our 'Champions Caregiver Training.'Learn more and sign up for specialized courses today: championcaregiver.org ... ያነሰ ይመልከቱ

2 ቀናት በፊት

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27 ... See MoreSee Less

3 ቀናት በፊት
ተጨማሪ ይጫኑ
Struggling with bullying? You’re not alone. Join us on october 13th for the premiere of ‘jesus cares for the bullied’ as nick vujicic shares an inspiring message of compassion and hope. Watch it on youtube. Link in bio.

Struggling with bullying? You’re not alone. Join us on October 13th for the premiere of ‘Jesus Cares for the Bullied’ as Nick Vujicic shares an inspiring message of compassion and hope. Watch it on YouTube. Link in bio. ...

291 6
Meeting daniel martinez

Meeting Daniel Martinez ...

2941 61
Does jesus really cares for the depressed and the su*cidal?

Does Jesus really cares for the depressed and the su*cidal? ...

2092 52
Money can't give you hope and true happiness.

Money can`t give you hope and true happiness. ...

4945 81
Be encouraged by god's word today!

Be encouraged by God`s Word today! ...

3469 119
Be part of an unforgettable evening at the annual champions gala with nick vujicic & nickv ministries. Join us for a night of worship, dinner, and a powerful mission to bring hope to the brokenhearted. Visit the link in bio and follow us for more updates!

Be part of an unforgettable evening at the Annual Champions Gala with Nick Vujicic & NickV Ministries. Join us for a night of worship, dinner, and a powerful mission to bring hope to the brokenhearted. Visit the link in bio and follow us for more updates! ...

373 4

There's no one like Jesus.

89 views 2 hours ago

Meeting Daniel Martinez

1.4K views 7 hours ago

Does Jesus really cares for the depressed and the su*cidal?

4.4K views 19 hours ago

Money can't give you hope and true happiness.

2.1K views 21 hours ago

Be encouraged by God's Word today!

14.3K views October 6th

Let's do this again! 😆

19.9K views October 6th

There's no one like Jesus.

89 views 2 hours ago

Meeting Daniel Martinez

1.4K views 7 hours ago

Does Jesus really cares for the depressed and the su*cidal?

4.4K views 19 hours ago

ስትራቴጂያዊ አጋሮች

ቀጥሎ ምን ማለት ነው?

ኢየሱስን ተቀብሏል?
ዛሬ ኢየሱስን ከተቀበልከው እዚህ ይጫኑ!
ተጨማሪ እወቅ
ክርስቲያን መሆን ስለሚቻልበት መንገድ ተጨማሪ እውቀት ለማግኘት ጥረት ማድረግ።
በመንፈስ መሪነት የተጻፈ ነው?
የዛሬው መልእክት አነሳስዎት ይሆን? ስለዚህ ጉዳይ መስማት እንፈልጋለን!
የጸሎት ልመና?
የጸሎት ጥያቄ አለህ? ተሸፍኖልሃል።
ስለ አንተ ከሚያስብ፣ ሊያበረታታና ሊጸልይልህ ከሚችል ሰው ጋር አሁኑኑ ተነጋገር።

ልባቸው የተሰበረውን ሰዎች መንስኤዎች እንድናሻሽል እርዳን። ገበያ ዛሬ!

ተገናኝተው ለመቆየት ይመዝገቡ።

የጸሎት ጥያቄ ቅጽ

ጸሎትህን ከታች ባለው ቅጽ በመጠቀም በጸሎት ገፃችን ላይ ልትጨምር ትችላለህ። የጸሎታችሁ ጥያቄ ከደረሳችሁ በኋላ በእናንተ መመሪያ መሠረት እናካፍለዋለን። የምትፈልገውን ያህል ብዙ የጸሎት ልመና ለማቅረብ ነፃነት ይኑርህ!

ተልእኳችንን ተቀላቀሉ

የእኛን የኢሜይል ዝርዝር በመቀላቀል, ስለ NVM ተጨማሪ ይወቁ
እንዲሁም ኢየሱስን ለማግኘት ወደ ዓለም እንዴት እየደረስን ነው?

የፖድካስት (ፖድካስት) ይግለፅ

የቅርብ ጊዜ ድርሰቶቻችንን ጨምሮ የሚያነሳሳ ንቅሳታችንን ያግኙ
በየጊዜው ኢሜይል የሚላክ ይዘት