Live Outreach Events
Saturating the world with the Gospel and uniting the body of Christ through live and virtual events.
There’s nothing quite like hearing Nick speak. His special blend of humor and raw honesty has encouraged millions around the world…and over 1 million people are now following Christ as a result.
Due to COVID-19, NVM has temporarily pivoted to virtual outreach events. We hope you’ll join our email list and follow us on social media to keep updated on our upcoming events. We depend on the body of Christ to help us reach the world for Jesus!
People Still Meet God In Tents
Big Jesus Tent events are multi-day FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS in a big top tent with Nick Vujicic. These events are designed to mobilize the local faith community to present the story, hope and love of Jesus Christ to their region.
It begins with multiple days of Community Prayer followed by multiple nights of Community Gatherings where the story, hope and love of Jesus Christ is clearly and uniquely presented by Nick Vujicic and the Big Jesus Tent team.
Due to COVID-19, NVM has pivoted to virtual outreach events. Please join our email list and follow us on social media to keep up to date on our upcoming events.
We have four simple ways you can get involved. Everyone can be used by God to reach others for Jesus.
Use your time and talents to reach the world of Jesus.
Send an email to volunteer to learn about volunteer opportunities.