Happy 2024!

As we step into a new year, we’re thrilled to share the exciting journey that lies ahead. Our heart for this new year is rooted in John 4:35, “Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” As Jesus reminded His disciples, there’s no time to waste – the fields are ready, our opportunity is here!
This Year’s Initiatives
Live Events: In 2024, our live events will transcend borders as we embark on a five-leg Latin America Tour, passionately sharing the Gospel and reaching the brokenhearted across diverse cultures and lands. Simultaneously, we’re laying the groundwork for a strategic mission to Africa, starting with a special speaking engagement in Kenya.
Big Jesus Tent Ministry: Building on the success of our Tent Outreach in Allen, TX, the Big Jesus Tent will now weave through the highways and byways of inner-city Dallas, embodying the spirit of Matthew 22:9 – reaching those in the nooks and crannies of society. If you weren’t able to join in for our last event, you’ll definitely want to plan on being at this momentous revival experience!
Prison Ministry: Expanding our reach to those who are incarcerated, the Prison Ministry is breaking language barriers with a Spanish translation, marking the commencement of our Latin America mission, with Puerto Rico as the first stop set in January. Praise God for the bars He’s bending to reach new lives with the Gospel!
Student Ministry: If you have children or work with kids, you know just how impactful social media can be in their lives. And in this digital age, our Student Ministry continues its quest to connect with global youth through burgeoning social media platforms, spreading the message of hope and grace.
Caregiver Training: Introducing a new dimension to our Prayer Ministry, we’re launching Caregiver Training. This initiative empowers you to provide godly counsel and tangible support to the brokenhearted, extending our reach to those in need.
Nick’s Message from 2023 Gala
In the meantime, we also encourage you to check out Nick’s powerful message at the 2023 Gala, where he delivered some timely insight on how God is moving through churches, politics, and media to advance the Gospel. Nick’s words reinforce the essence of our mission and set the tone for the transformative work ahead.

Until Next Time
As we usher in the new year, remember Jesus’ words about the urgency of the harvest. The world may seem bleak, daunting, or even out of reach—but in Him, we find hope, joy, and freedom. Let’s seize every opportunity to share the love of Christ with a world hungry for salvation, and make the most of every day we’re given in 2024! Join our Prayer Army as we step into this promising year, and stay up to date on all that God is doing through this ministry by checking out our full calendar.
From all of us here at NickV Ministries, Happy New Year!