
With Life Without Limbs
Bigjesustent northsandiego 2019

Serve Opportunities

The faithful support of friends like you helps us reach the world for Jesus! Every volunteer is a gift that turns hurt to hope – all over the world. Thank you for helping make a lasting impact on the lives touched by this ministry.

Prison Ministry

Volunteers are needed in our Prison Ministry program.
Prison ministry desktop

Become a Spiritual Coach

You can be a spiritual coach through our partners at Groundwire. Groundwire is a separate organization that can help you impact lives by sharing the hope and love of Jesus! All it takes is your willingness, an internet connection and a few hours a week.

Sign up to stay connected.

Serve at LWL

Use your time and talents to reach the world for Jesus.

Prayer Request Form

You may add your prayer request to our prayer page using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

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By joining our email list, you’ll learn more about NVM
and how we are reaching the world for Jesus.

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