prayer moves the heart of god

Everyone needs prayer…and we want to pray for you.
If you’d like to pray for others, please read the prayer requests below and click “I Prayed for This.”

Prayer Requests

Please send us your prayer requests by clicking on the button below. Your request can be public, anonymous, or completely private. Whatever you prefer, our staff will pray for you.

I am challenged by complex health issues. A severe pain condition caused by an injury. CRPS. I need an attorney. Also a new safe place to park as I live in a RV. Next week I'm scheduled for a bilateral breast MRI. Because of some concerning symptoms. Pray I can glorify the LORD in the midst of this, and He will work according to His will on my behalf.
Anonymous posted July 26 2024 · Prayed for 0 times
Good day, please pray for God to bless my life, calling and ministry. I really need God's anointing to shepherd His people. Pray for God to announce my calling and ministry to me. Please also pray for God's guidance and provision in doing his work. Thanks.
Pirfa posted July 26 2024 · Prayed for 0 times
I would like prayer against the spirit of stagnation, lust and loneliness.
Jonathan posted July 25 2024 · Prayed for 0 times
Dear All, please kindly pray for my husband Desmond who is a realty agent. That he will work hard to get leads for successful deals and not be lazy and lax on getting money in to repay our debts, as we have three kids, one of them autistic and we need the money for our mortgage, etc. Thank you.
Diane posted July 25 2024 · Prayed for 0 times
I would like prayer for my friend who is going through a divorce. He is so depressed. He lost his house and family, and feels like he can't move forward. He doesn't want to do anything, just lay around and sometimes does things he shouldn't be doing. He needs lots of prayer. Please keep him in your prayers, that would be wonderful. Thank you and have a blessed day.
GRACE posted July 25 2024 · Prayed for 1 times
Lord, Matthew is overwhelmed and needs to find rest for his soul. Please bless him financially, he is overwhelmed about the bills while he swings a sledgehammer 12 hours a day to provide for his sick wife, and 83 year old mother’s medical and financial needs. Please do a miracle God.. we need You. Thank You Jesus.
Laura posted July 25 2024 · Prayed for 2 times
Pray for cb, for her daughter.
David posted July 24 2024 · Prayed for 2 times
God's people, please pray for my doors to open. May God remember me in this difficult period.
Anonymous posted July 24 2024 · Prayed for 2 times
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